Sunday, March 22, 2015

Tate's report on bush fires.

Bush fires in Australia

Bush fires are fires that rage through the bush and cause lots of damage, and can spread and destroy villages. So planes, fire trucks and choppers have to go get water pour it all over the top of the fire to put it out.

In southeast Australia, bush fires tend to be most common and most severe during summer and autumn, in drought years, and particularly in El Nino years. In the north of Australia, bush fires usually occur during summer (the dry season), and fire severity tends to be more associated with seasonal growth patterns.

They happen mostly in Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and a few other places in Australia. Some of Australia’s worst fires are in thick bush areas.

Fire fighters look for a natural edge or boundary, such as a road, stream or plain field, and they do a controlled burn of all the fuel between the barrier and the fire. This means that before the fire gets there, it would have already burned out.

In my opinion, I think firefighters are brave because they carry on fighting the fires to save other people's lives, no matter what

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