Monday, November 30, 2015

Sea Turtles - Paper slide videos

We have been making some paper slide videos explaining the life cycle of a sea turtle. Here are our creations.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Virtue Rap

This week we choose the virtue we wanted to work on. In groups we created raps to help everyone remember what the virtue was and how to demonstrate the virtue. Here are two of our raps created using the app Smule. One is on patience and the other on Tact.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Matter Jigsaw

Ag Day

Calendar Art

This year for our calendar art we created geometric paintings. We were hoping to use the same technique as we did with our paper plate artwork but it was going to be difficult to pull tape of cartridge paper. So we decided to draw our lines on first, then paint our blocks of colour. Lastly we used insulation tape to make the black, white, blue or red lines on our artwork. They look great hanging up in our classroom and even better copied (in a reduced size) for our calendar art. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Speech Finals

Congratulations to Holly, Aimee and Mckenzie for representing the Kauri team at the school speech finals.

All three girls did a wonderful job.

Aimee and Mckenzie are going to represent Clevedon at the Rehu Tai competition next term with their flash talk and poem.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Emotion Poems

Along with our colour poems we have been writing we wrote emotion poems too. We talked about what the emotion looked like, felt like, sounded like, smelt like, tasted like and what particular colour represented that emotion.

For example;
Blue = sad
Pink = embarrassed, love
Red = anger
Black = fear

Here are some of our poems.

Colour Poetry

We have been writing poetry this week. We started with colour poems looking at what the specific colour is in the world followed by what we think it looks, feels, tastes, smells, and sounds like.  Here are some of our poems that we have written.

Friday, September 11, 2015


This term we have been learning about firewise. Today firefighter Matt came to talk to us.

Points from his talk:
  • Smoke is fire.
  • Get down, get low, get out!
  • Firefighters need special gear before fighting a fire.
  • If there is a fire we need to shout fire, fire, fire!
  • We need a safe meeting place to meet all your family and to ring 111.
  • Smoke alarms give us a warning after 4 sec.
  • We should have a smoke alarm in every bedroom, hallway and lounge.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Poetry: Just Because


This week we have been writing poetry. We have written 'Just because' poems and 'I am ' poems.  Here is an example of both:

By Holly

By Tate

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Geometric Art

This week we have been looking at geometric art in preparation for our calendar art.  First we looked at lots of examples. Then we used paper plates, masking tape and paint to create our own geometric design. The masking tape was used to create the white lines between the blocks of colour. It was fun and our artwork looks fantastic!

The three steps - a plain plate, added masking tape, paint then we removed the tape to reveal our artwork.

Our pieces of art:

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Trade Aid talk

Today we listened to a talk about Trade aid and how they help people around the world sell the goods and crafts they make. Trade Aid is there to help people in poverty make a better life for them and the children.

These girls created a role play about a poor family who made baskets and sold them to Trade Aid to get more money.

Friday, August 7, 2015


Cross Country 2015

Today we had cross country. It was a successful day for some of room 7. We were lucky the rain held away for the year 4 and year 5 races. The year 6 and 7s were not so lucky.

Here are our top results:
Year 4 girls - Nina - 3rd.
Year 4 boys - Rory 7th,  Oscar 9th, Hayden 10th and Austen 11th.

Year 5 girls - Katherine 1st, Taleia 2nd, Ava 3rd,  Mila 5th, Aimee 8th and  Holly 9th.
Year 5 boys - Nicholas 1st, Charlie 6th, Tate 7th and Ryder 11th.

Well done to all of room 7 for participating in cross country and putting in a lot of effort!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Buddy Visit

On Thursday 25th June our class went to Point View School along with Room 8. We went to visit our buddy classes. While we were there we
  • went on a tour of the school
  • interviewed our buddy
  • participated in Jump Jam with the Middle School
  • performed our Sasa for the Middle School
  • created a piece of artwork for Matariki
  • made a slide show with our buddy 
  • read with our buddies
We ended the day with group photos and a play on their senior playground. We had lots of fun and it was great to meet our buddies for the first time. We hope our buddies can come and visit us in term 3 or 4.

Here are some photos of our day.


On Thursday we visited out buddies at Point View School. While we were there we performed our Sasa (Samoan dance) to the Middle School.

Friday, June 12, 2015

The haunted old sugar factory

The haunted old sugar factory

The haunted old sugar factory is rotting rusty and disgusting.

It's got a flickering light and smells horrible, like smoke, blood, dust and obviously sugar .
I anxiously open the door eeeeeeewwwwwwww! Blood is oozing from the wall. Yuck! What's that smell burning? The smell leads me upstairs. I heard crumbling and scratching. "You are going to die". Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I crept through the door. I wanted to leave but something was holding me back. All I could hear was the floorboards creaking each step I took. I heard the door slam. BANG! Trapped.......

The next day I found myself on the floor. There was a puddle of blood. My finger it was GONE!
I knew there was someone here and now I am going to find out just who......

By Mila

The Haunted House

WALT: use descriptive language in our work to help paint a picture in the readers head. 
Here I am at the scariest place in town, the sugar factory is the 2nd. They are both haunted. I heard there are ghosts here, so I am a bit scared but while I'm here I may just have a look inside. I anxiously open the door......

Eww ...... what's that smell? Rotten candy! I follow the smell, it takes me upstairs. Then I lose the scent. I hear this bad noise. There is blood oozing from the walls.

I run down the stairs and I can smell rotten candy again. I follow it, it takes me to a hallway. It's as creepy as a nightmare, actually it is your worst nightmare. It takes me behind stairs. I see old and creepy things. Then the smell gets stronger. I end up in the great abandoned sugar factory! The castles were back to back, wow, I never knew.

I will definitely have a look. I see lollies and they smell dreadful. Serious, oh yuck! I also see moldy ice cream.  

"I hate that smell. I think I'm going to be sick," I yell. I see a freezer with a piece of paper saying fresh L&P and ice cream so I take them both. I run back to the castle and run home.

By Lily F.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Buddy letters

Today our buddy letters arrived from Room 30 at Point View School. They were really it. We were surprised at how much our buddies were like us and like things we liked. We are busy drafting our replies that we are going to email to our buddies. We hope we might get to visit them soon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The castle on the rock

We have been working on writing descriptions this term. We are practicing using interesting words and description within our writing. Last week we wrote a description about the following photograph.

Here is Hayley's piece of writing:
A gust of wind blew across the sea although it was not as loud as a wave. Clash, Bang, a few cream coloured bricks fell down and a cluster of birds flew up into the clear blue sky.

The cream castle stood on a huge rock that jarred out of the sea. At the bottom of the rocks, a tiny little door only able to fit one person through at a time. It stood above a ladder. By the ladder there was a small canoe with some oars. There was obviously someone inside. 

There must have been about 1,000,000,000 steps in there. Not, there is probably only about 200 but it seems like it.

Although the castle looks about 1000 years old it is actually only 80 - 300 years old. Two turrets rest on the castle top and there is a mountain in the background. The scene looks beautiful.    

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

ANZAC acrostic poems

This week we have been learning about ANZAC day and Gallipoli.

Today we wrote acrostic poems using Gallipoli as our base word. We then used a QR code generator to create QR codes for our poems. Tomorrow we are going to stick them on our piece of poppy art.

Abby's poem

Anika's poem

Thursday, April 2, 2015

End of term awards

Some of room 7 collected an award at Progress and Effort today for their hard work and learning this term. They were; Nicholas, Lily F, Lily N, Holly, Tate, Joseph and Ryder. Congratulations!

Progress & Effort

We had lots of children in room 7 who could not fit in anymore learning in this term as they were here everyday of this term. Great

100% Attendance

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Green Day Term 1

This term for green day we pulled the weeds from along the fenceline and behind some of the classes. We also picked up any rubbish we found. It looks much tidier now!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Jack Flash

Today we watched a funny play of Jack Flash and the jumping beanstalk. Jack had the task of finding out who was dropping rubbish from out of the sky. You can guess who the culprit was.... it was the giant. We really enjoyed the jokes, funny parts, songs and the storyline.

Stormwater drains

On Tuesday we watched a show presented by the Auckland Council on protecting our stormwater drains.
We learnt the following things:
- always wash our cars on the lawns or at the car wash
- pick up litter from the kerb so that it doesn't go down the drain
- check for leaking taps and tell someone
- let the council know if the stormwater drain caps are coming off
- to never wash oil into the stormwater drains
and lastly rain should be the only thing going down a stormwater drain.

Our letters head off to Room 30

This year we are going to be buddies with another school. We have written letters to Room 30 at Point View School. We hope they arrive before the holidays and that they will be excited to be our buddies. We are looking forward to getting a reply to our letter.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Tate's report on bush fires.

Bush fires in Australia

Bush fires are fires that rage through the bush and cause lots of damage, and can spread and destroy villages. So planes, fire trucks and choppers have to go get water pour it all over the top of the fire to put it out.

In southeast Australia, bush fires tend to be most common and most severe during summer and autumn, in drought years, and particularly in El Nino years. In the north of Australia, bush fires usually occur during summer (the dry season), and fire severity tends to be more associated with seasonal growth patterns.

They happen mostly in Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and a few other places in Australia. Some of Australia’s worst fires are in thick bush areas.

Fire fighters look for a natural edge or boundary, such as a road, stream or plain field, and they do a controlled burn of all the fuel between the barrier and the fire. This means that before the fire gets there, it would have already burned out.

In my opinion, I think firefighters are brave because they carry on fighting the fires to save other people's lives, no matter what

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Caelan's report on oil spills.

An oil spill is oil that's been spilled into the ocean. Some oil spills are done purposely, which is really sad and embarrassing. Some happen accidentally, that's also sad because all oil spills kill marine life, and ruin marine life habitat.

Oil spills happen when: people make mistakes, equipment breaks down, natural disasters such as cyclones happen, which cause an oil tanker (a ship that carries oil from one country or place to another) to leak oil into the ocean. Or, on purpose, when countries are at war, one may decide to dump a whole lot of oil into the other country’s oceans. Some people also dump oil illegally into the ocean, because they don't want to pay to do it legally.

Oil spills kill so many different sea creatures, like birds, fish, sharks, whales, seals and so many more. Many people don’t know all the creatures in the ocean that oil spills affect. Everything that lives and grows at the bottom of the ocean, like plankton, seaweed, clams, oysters and mussels can be affected by oil spills, so it's not just the oil floating on the top of the oceans that kills and causes damage. When hundreds of plankton die because of oil, fish don’t have enough food to eat, which will cause them to die. If the fish die, there won’t be enough food for whales, and they will die, too. As you can see, oil spills can damage the entire food chain.

Birds die from oil spills if their feathers are covered in oil. When they try to clean their feathers, they’re poisoned. Oil can also enter an animal’s lungs or liver, poisoning it from the inside. Oil also blinds animals when it gets into their eyes, so they can no longer watch out for predators.

Seals bodies may get covered in oil, which causes build up in the air bubbles located in their fur, which are specially designed to help them survive the cold oceans and help them to float. When oil builds up in the air bubbles, the seals may die of low body temperature.

Oil spills are also one of the main reasons that killer whales are endangered. The oil may be eaten or go in the whales blowhole. Whales rise up to the surface of the water to take a breath. If the blowhole is blocked with oil, the whale can’t breathe! Or, if a whale eats a fish that swam through oil, it will be poisoned and then die.
There are many nice people that help save the animals affected by an oil spill. There are places called cleaning centres that animals are taken to. When birds arrive at a cleaning centre, the oil is cleaned from their eyes and insides and they’re checked for broken bones, cuts and other injuries. Next, they are given a medicine to stop any more oil from entering their systems. They are then warmed up and placed in a quiet area where they’re fed and kept safe until they are healthy enough to be returned to the wild.

When seals are taken to a cleaning centre, they’re washed with warm water to try to break down the oil and warm the seals up. The seals also get given any medicine needed while they are being cleaned. After their fur is dry, they have to stay a few more days so the workers are sure that they are healthy and ready to be released.

Have you ever stopped to think what you use oil for? Everyone uses oil a lot. The whole world uses nearly three billion gallons of oil every day to fuel our cars, trucks, buses, and even to heat our homes. If you have touched a chain on a bicycle, you have touched some oil. The black stuff that appears on your fingers is oil that makes the chains on your bike run smoothly. Oil is also made into plastics, which are used to make your toys, games and many others things we all use. Oil is also used in medicines, ink, paints and to create some electricity.
We can all help stop oil spills from happening. If you use less oil, then less oil will have to be carried by tankers across the ocean. How can YOU use less oil? Leave your car at home and walk or ride a bike to school and work instead. That's one easy way we could all help.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015



Today we were learning to throw over arm and field the ball. At the end we played a game of t-ball. What a great sports lesson!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Competitive swimming

Results from Llyod Elsmore Finals:

Ava: 1st in breast stroke
Taleia: 2nd in Freestyle, 4th in breast stroke
Aimee: 3rd in Breast stroke, 5th in Freestyle
Hayley - 3rd in Freestyle
Charlie: 3rd in Freestlye, 2nd in Breast stroke.

Swimming sports 2015!

Today we had our swimming sports. We had so much fun with the races. Our class won the class relays with room 6 who were seconds behind us.  Congratulations to Nina, Oscar, Tate and Mila who were Room 7s relay team. Thanks to Nicholas and Abby for being our back ups.

The best things about swimming was winning my breast stroke race. (Anika)

The best part of swimming today was coming second in freestyle. (Lennox)

I got second in the ball and nose race (Rory)

I got second in breast stroke. (Holly)

The best part was when I came second in freestyle. (Nicholas)

I got second in the running race. (Austin)

The Relay Team

Winning the class relay!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


This week is PRIDE week and we have been rotating around the senior classes. We have been learning about our school values and behaviour matrix, passion, leadership, respectful communication and commitment. It has been fun going into different rooms and being taught by other teachers.

Virtue Strengths and Goals
Virtue Strengths and Goals

Monday, February 2, 2015


Welcome to our blog. We are a year four and five class. We are all ready to learn heaps of new things this year.